Preparing for Surgery at Dr. Khanade Hospital
Preparing for Surgery for Obstetrics-Gynecology in Pune
Reducing surgery anxiety
Preparations for surgery depend on your diagnosis. Your physician will discuss with you how to prepare for your surgery.
You will need to be fully informed and prepared for the surgery, as well as for any special needs that you may have following the surgery. Your preparation will affect the outcome and the results. The following is a checklist to assist you in your preparation for surgery:
Make a list of questions to ask your physician/surgeon regarding the type of surgery recommended.
Determine if the surgical procedure is right for you.
Obtain a second opinion, if desired.
Check with your health plan regarding costs and coverages of the upcoming surgery.
Obtain costs from physicians and hospital.
Schedule the surgery.
Prepare lists of prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, for physicians; review with the anesthesiologist and surgeons.
Schedule preoperative laboratory tests.
Have an preoperative interview with the anesthesiologist.
Follow all instructions during the weeks and days preceding surgery.
Discontinue indicated prescription or over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements prior to surgery, as directed by your surgeon/physician.
Arrange for necessary home care, equipment, etc., following surgery.
Sign all informed consent, and other legal forms, before surgery. ​​