Wellness and Health
Preventive medicine for Gynecology-Obstetrics
Healthcare Guidelines
Doctors' appointments
Stay informed- Learn about health care promotion, community health and disease prevention.
Take care of your bones- Eat foods like milk, tofu, leafy greens, take calcium supplements
Stay safe- Avoid injuries, wear seatbelts, helmets, avoid unprotected sex, wear sunscreen
Get regular health checkups
- Exercise- At least 30 minutes of exercise each day
Stay Happy- do things that give you happiness
Dental check-ups at least once a year
Gynecologist visit for pelvic and pap test every 3 years for ages 21-29, then co-testing with cytology and HPV every 5 years (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).
Get HPV vaccine in consultation with your doctor
Get a flu vaccine every year
Get blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked (annually)
Mammogram in consultation with your doctor
Dietary tips
Daily fat intake to be restricted to 25-35% of the total calories consumed. Most fats should come from unsaturated fatty acids such as nuts, vegetable oils.
Eat low-fat proteins fish, eggs, poultry, nuts, etc.
Eat fruits daily
Eat whole grains
Eat low-fat milk or fat-free milk products every day
Self examination
Do oral cavity self-examination of teeth, gums, tongue for any abnormalities
Full body examination for skin conditions
Check your body mass index (BMI)