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DR. Khanade Hospital's Expertise in Gynecology-Obstetrics

Experience, Technology, Best Care and Attention in Pune

At Dr. Khanade Hospital we believe that value addition to patients lies in expert diagnosticians, experienced surgeons and nurses along with a well-oiled administration and supportive services team that allows rapid decision-making, personal attention to hold patient care in the highest regards.

Woman Donating Blood

Women's Wholistic Health 



Some of the sociocultural factors that prevent women and girls to benefit from quality health services and attaining the best possible level of health include: 

  • Unequal power relationships between men and women;

  • An exclusive focus on women’s reproductive roles




Wellness Counseling

These constraints and added social pressures requires robust mental toughness and health to ensure mental and physical well-being in today's environment.


Our in-house counseling Single Session Therapy approach is designed to help you within one session while being sure that more help is available whenever necessary.


This method saves time as well as money as it needs no long-term therapeutic commitment.


One approximately 50 minutes long session will address one specific problem and take a few steps that will help you towards your goal without further need for professional guidance.


Laparoscopic and Surgical

Laparoscopy, also known as diagnostic laparoscopy, is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen. It's a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions. Laparoscopy allows your doctor to see inside your body in real time, without open surgery.


Maternity Home and Nursing Care

A maternity hospital like Dr. Khanade Hospital specializes in caring for women during pregnancy and childbirth. It also provides care for newborn infants. The Doctors and medical staff are well trained in taking care of pregnant women and helping them through childbirth.

Looking to learn more about your options? Be in touch and see how we can help.

Dr Khanade Expertise
Dr Khanade Facilities

Our Facilities

Dr. Khanade Hospital Room


Simple, efficient and homely- A true advantage

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